What you get when you push the "Acquire Data" button

HVS 3/14/00

I got Linda to explain to me how to change the pictures which the SCP presents when the "Acquire Data" button is pushed for a Fast Feedback. It's all DB driven, with each loop having a number of slots available. The plot which you get as default from the acquire data function is the plot with the smallest unit number (i.e. the first in the DB list).

There is one big DB source file for all feedback loops' plots, as Linda explains below. The two necessary database "thingys" for these plots are FPLT (feedback plot) and FMVR (feedback multi-variable). See "help primary" for FPLT and FMVR for how these primary's secondary values work. It seems quite straightforward.

I have successfully made small changes to these pictures. With what I offer above, together with Linda's message which follows, I believe it should easy for you to figure out how to make pictures be of optimal interest.

From:	MCCDEV::LJH          "Linda Hendrickson (650)926-3913"  
Subj:	how to add feedback plots

Hi Howard,
How to add feedback plots:
editdbs fpltfmvr.dbs .

Search for loop name.  Notice that two units with
the same number are needed for one plot.
There are spares, usually after each loop.
Please don't move around the units in the file.
Names of plots within a single loop must be unique.
If you make mistakes in the file, you don't get
any helpful diagnostics, and please don't cater that.
If you get the database right, then you plots will come out.
Sometimes we have to re-scp or cold-start to see plot changes.
Please keep the unit numbers in the file in order.
The plots appear in the database unit order (so the lowest
unit number plot for each loop becomes the default plot.

Please ask for advice if there are questions.
 - Linda
Example:  These two units for a PR04 feedback
combine to make one plot.
Notice that the "NAME" in FMVR matches "YAXI" in FPLT.

! Plots for PR04 loops
 <:FMVR: VX33,210;
        :FNAM: = "PR04HTFX";
        :NAME: = "HTFXPLOT";
        :LABL: = "Meas & Act  Plots ";
        :XWND: = 2;
        :YWND: = 2;
        :VARV: = "P4X-7082","KNBX7092","P4X-8022","KNBX8032";
        :XWNV: =    1,        2,        1,        2;
        :YWNV: =    1,        1,        2,        2;
 <:FPLT: VX33,210;
        :FNAM: = "PR04HTFX";
        :NAME: = "HTFXPLTS";
        :LABL: = "Meas & Act  Plots ";
        :PLTT: = %FSCATTER;
        :XAXI: = "TIME    ";
        :YAXI: = "HTFXPLOT";