Maintained by Matt Boyes & William Colocho
Modified Tuesday, 17-Oct-2006 14:05:15 PDT

Description | Save/Restore Configs | Printing | Advance


Due to temperature dependent hardware drifts, the phase of some PEP II stations changes diurnally.  Power balance feedback loops can work to keep the relative phase of two given stations constant.  The loop uses a given station as the 'Reference station'.  The Feedback then controls the 'base phase' (L/HRXX:STN:PHASE:CALC.C) of the station under control to keep the relative power of the two stations at a fixed ratio.  These EPICS based loops can be controlled from the Power Balance Loop EPICS panel.

The following checks are performed before the feedback changes the base phase of the station under control.

If the feedback is active, the calculation of the new base phase goes as follows:

If KlysFWRDPower is greater than (Reference KlysFWRDPower * Power Ratio* 0.001)
        FBCKOut =
previous FBCKOut - StepSize
         FBCKOut =
previous FBCKOut + StepSize

Save/Restore Configs

List and display Configs
To sort list Click on Name or Last modified It is desireable at times to look up Historys of some of the PVs used in this Feedback. The PVs below are in History buffers:


There are two methods to print the Power Balance display.
