slac3.gif (1664 bytes) BSY B-2 Repair

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The  Beam Switchyard B-2 magnet (which steers particles into the A-Line) developed a low resistance to ground (800 ohms) on 23-APR-99. Investigation showed damage from arcing (melted connections between coils) and the magnet was removed from the accelerator housing.

Photos taken on 9-Feb-00 showing the damage (more extensive than anticipated in April of '99) to the magnet coils.

Click on the image to see a more detailed picture.

Coil1sm.jpg (10643 bytes)    Coil2sm.jpg (8970 bytes)    Coil3sm.jpg (8462 bytes)

These are the three damaged coils. Burned insulation from the second coil is stuck to the first coil.


Close2sm.jpg (9645 bytes)

A close-up of the middle coil.


B2TopCoresm.jpg (16984 bytes)    Connectionsm.jpg (9496 bytes)

The top half of the magnet core, with deposited soot, and a view of the connections between the coils on the lower half of the magnet (notice that there are no belleville washers).

Owner: S.DeBarger
Last Updated 9-Feb-00