slac3.gif (1664 bytes) BV2 Short


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On 11-Feb-00 PR02 LGPS 59 developed a gound fault. Measuring voltage drops, the problem was traced to a cable feeding the Low Energy Ring BV2R vertical bend magnet. Investigation showed that the DC power cable was resting on the edge of a cable tray and the insulation on the cable was cut.

Photographs taken on 11-Feb-00 showing damage to the cable.

Click on the image to see a more detailed picture.


The problem cable is running at a 45 degree angle, with its weight on the cable tray cross-member. The area where the insulation was damaged was visible when the cable was lifted up.


The damaged cable is now held off the cable tray with a piece of G-10 insulator.


Owner: S.DeBarger
Last Updated 11-Feb-00