Miscellaneous Information

04 February, 1997

Meeting Site

The Workshop meetings will all be held in Rooms A&B of the Conference and Training Center, Building 272, at SLAC. This building is easily found: turn left after passing the guard shack at the main SLAC entrance. Building 272 stands alone on the left on a small hill overlooking the Stanford campus and San Francisco Bay to the east.

Meeting Times

All Workshop meetings will begin at 09:00 and end about 17:00. See the schedule for details. Coffee and pastries will be available every morning from 08:30 on.


The weather in the SLAC area in early March is typically sunny, about 60-65 °F (15-18 °C) during the day, dropping into the 40s (5-10 °C) at night. It sometimes rains, but not for long and rarely mid-day.

Recommendations: bring a sweater and a light jacket. Put everything on in the morning to come in to SLAC. As it warms up in the morning, take one layer off at a time. Put it on again in steps in the evening as the sun gets low. Don't bother with special rain clothes.

At night, wear everything when you go out.

In the winter, San Francisco is typically a little warmer at night than the SLAC area. But if you go there, wear everything whether its day or night.


There are many, many good restaurants in the Menlo Park and Palo Alto area. University Avenue in downtown Palo Alto has the highest concentration. Many are quite inexpensive. For a listing of restaurants and maps showing their locations, try the Palo Alto Entertainment and Restaurant Guide on the Web at URL http://gatekeeper.city.palo-alto.ca.us/palo/chamber/entertainment/home.html. The equivalent page for Menlo Park is currently inoperative, but some Bay Area restaurants can be linked from the Palo Alto page. One can also search restaurants in the SLAC area and display their locations on maps using MapQuest.

Links to: The New Kinds of Positron Sources Workshop, the Accelerator Department and to SLAC.

This page is maintained by Keith Jobe.