Aerogel Cherenkov counters are being developed in Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics for more than 15 years. Aerogel is produced in collaboration with the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (Novosibirsk). High optical parameters of this aerogel make it attractive for use in RICH detectors and threshold Cherenkov counters. Detailed Monte Carlo simulation of the light collection process based on measured light absorption and scattering lengths was extensively used during counters development and construction. Present-day project of Cherenkov counters system for the KEDR detector based on ASHIPH method of light collection (Aerogel, wavelength SHIfter, and PHotomultipliers) is described. The measurement of the quality of the particle identification with the ASHIPH counters was performed. The pi/K separation is 4.5 sigma for the momentum 1.2 GeV/c and 4.7 sigma for the momentum 0.86 GeV/c. Timing properties of ASHIPH counter are measured. Time resolution for pions is 2~ns. As compared with the direct light collection of Cherenkov light on PMT, the ASHIPH method allows to diminish the number of PMTs.