Past SLAC Experimental Seminars Jan. 2000 - June 2000

[ SLAC : Seminars ]

Here's a list of seminars that have already happened since January 2000.

1/11/00 Tuesday, 12:30, Orange Room
"Testing Hawking-Unruh Radiation Using Ultra-Intense Lasers"
Pisin Chen (SLAC)

1/18/00 Tuesday, 12:30, Orange Room
"Study of exclusive radiative B decays with the CLEO detector"
Soeren Prell (UCSD)

1/25/00 Tuesday, 12:30, Orange Room
"Precision Mass Measurements at the Tevatron (W and top)"
Norman Graf (Brookhaven National Lab)

2/8/00 Tuesday, 12:00, Auditorium
"Search for neutrino oscillations at reactors: new results from Palo Verde"
Yifan Wang (Stanford U.)

2/24/00 Thursday, 12:30, Auditorium
"Measuring the polarization of the cosmic microwave background"
Sarah Church (Stanford U.)

3/2/00 Thursday, 12:30, Auditorium
"Resent results of Higgs searches at LEP"
Andre Georg Holzner (ETH Zurich)

3/14/00 Tuesday, 12:30, Orange Room
"Search for D0-D0bar Mixing at CLEO II.V"
David Asner (UC Santa Barbara)

3/21/00 Tuesday, 12:30, Orange Room
"Rare B Meson Decays with eta' and eta Mesons: eta'K Puzzle"
Andrei Gritsan (U. of Colorado)

3/28/00 Tue
"CP violation at CDF - Present and future"
Petar Maksimovic (Harvard U.)

4/18/00 Tuesday, 12:30, Orange Room
"The precision monitoring of the BABAR calorimeter with emphasis on the role of the light pulser system"
Martin Kocian (TU Dresden)

4/25/00 Tuesday, 12:30, Orange Room
"Determination of the W mass and beam energy measurements at LEP-II"
Eric Torrence (U. of Chicago)

5/9/00 Tuesday, 12:30, Orange Room
"Recent FOCUS results on charm mixing and CP violation"
Jim Wiss (U. of Illinois)

5/11/00 Thursday, 12:30, Orange Room
"Measuring V_ub without solving QCD"
Zoltan Ligeti (Fermilab)

5/16/00 Tuesday, 12:30, Orange Room
"The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory and the Solar Neutrino Problem: Current Status"
Peter Wittich (U. of Pennsylvania)

5/23/00 Tuesday, 12:30, Orange Room
"A search for ultra-high energy neutrino interactions in the moon and associated accelerator measurements"
David Saltzberg (UCLA) and Peter Gorham (JPL)

5/25/00 Thursday, 12:30, Orange Room
"Long and very long baseline accelerator neutrino experiments"
Mario Campanelli (ETH Zurich)

6/6/00 Tuesday, 12:30, Orange Room
"How much does a neutrino REALLY weigh? The challenge of EXO"
Giorgio Gratta (Stanford U.)

6/20/00 Tuesday, 12:30, Orange Room
Paul Bloom (McGill U.)

Masahiro Morii

Last modified: 3 January 2000