Table of Contents

1 What's in a name?

The acronym LCATR originally meant LSST CCD Acceptance Testing Results. After it was begun, its scope was expanded to cover both CCDs and RTMs (generically "units"). An alternative meaning might be LIMS Client for Acceptance Testing Results as it's primary purpose is to interface between the Laboratory Information Management System and the actual software that runs CCD/RTM test hardware or analyses that run on the output of such tests. Finally, might best be called Look Carefully And Take Responsibility as it is meant to assure that the tests and analysis software programs are run to completion and known software versions and run-time environment are specified, used and recorded.

2 Parts of LCATR

LCATR has some diverse responsibilities both in terms of what it provides and what test and analysis authors must supply. These are documented in the following:

an overall picture of how the system works.
what an author of an LCATR job needs to know.
how software for an LCATR job should be installed.
LIMS/harness API
agreement on communication between LIMS and LCATR.
environment modules
how test/analysis software sets up its run-time environment.
required format for writing data into the LIMS database from an LCATR job.
how to test LCATR or test/analysis software under LCATR
some roles for individuals participating in LCATR
job harness details
details on the job harness
file system layout
details of organization of result files.
todo items
attempt to keep track of where we are and where we are going
making releases
some notes on how releases of the job harness software are made

Author: Brett Viren <>

Date: 2014-10-03 11:46:54 PDT

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