prompt> gtptest chatter=4
This is gtptest version v10r7
Event data file name[] fakepulsar_event_phase.fits
Output FITS file name (NONE for no FITS output)[] gtptest_example_2.fits
Number of phase bins for Chi2 test[10] 10
Number of harmonics for Z2n test[10] 10
Maximum number of harmonics for H test[10] 10
Type of test: Chi-squared Test, 10 phase bins
Probability distribution: Chi-squared, 9 degrees of freedom
Test Statistic: 460.197674418605
Chance Probability Range: (1.89232561509074e-93, 1.8925148476844e-93)
Type of test: Rayleigh Test
Probability distribution: Chi-squared, 2 degrees of freedom
Test Statistic: 467.086401186073
Chance Probability Range: (0, 2.00883927982452e-99)
Type of test: Z2n Test, 10 harmonics
Probability distribution: Chi-squared, 20 degrees of freedom
Test Statistic: 490.414131212429
Chance Probability Range: (2.95186469095954e-91, 2.95215987880345e-91)
Type of test: H Test, 10 maximum harmonics
Probability distribution: H Test-specific
Test Statistic: 469.571299290169
Chance Probability Range: (0, 4e-08)
Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class st_graph::IFrame is available