Summary: XSPEC Commands

bash-2.05b$ xspec
***Warning: You do not have an up-to-date version of Xspec.init
in your ~/.xspec directory. It is recommended that you move your old Xspec.init aside and start up XSPEC again. This will place a new version Xspec.init in your directory, which you may then modify using your old settings.

XSPEC version: 12.2.1 Build Date/Time: Tue Nov 22 14:34:40 2005

XSPEC12>help XSPEC12>
Usage: acroread [options] [list of files]
Run 'acroread -help' to see a full list of available command line options.

?: print summary of all commands or single command Syntax: ?{<commandName>}

abund: Change/Report the solar abundance table in use Syntax: abund [ feld | angr | aneb | grsa | wilm | lodd ] abund <name> <file> (define & load new vector <name> from data in <file>)

addcomp: add component to a model Syntax: addcomp [Model Name:]<new component number> componentName

arf: reset auxiliary response file Syntax: arf none arf [source number:spectrum number] <filename{range}> (many options: see help for full syntax)

autosave: set frequency of auto-saving. Syntax: autosave <off | n>

backgrnd: reset background files Syntax: backgrnd none backgrnd [spectrum number] <filename{range}> (many options: see help for full syntax)

bayes: set up Bayesian inference Syntax: bayes off|on|cons| <mod param #> <prior type> <hyperparameters>

chain: Run a Monte Carlo Markov Chain. Syntax: [burn <burn-length>|clear|info|length|load|rand|recalc|run|stat|unload]

chatter: set the chatter level Syntax: chatter <console> {<log>}

comsum: print this summary Syntax: comsum {<commandName>}

corfile: reset correction files Syntax: corfile none corfile [spectrum number] <filename{range}> (many options: see help for full syntax)

cornorm: reset normalization used in correcting the background Syntax: cornorm <range1> <range2>... norm (sets default range to last range entered)

cosmo: set cosmological parameters Syntax: cosmo [H0 , q0, lambda0] (if no arguments are entered, current setting is printed)

cpd: change plotting device Syntax: cpd (device name)

data: input data files Syntax: data <none> | [n:m] <filename{range}> - (many options: see help for full syntax)

delcomp: delete component from model Syntax: delcomp [Model Name:]component number

diagrsp: Create a diagonal response. Syntax: diagrsp

dummyrsp: create 'dummy' response Syntax: [<Low Energy> [<High Energy> [<# of ranges> [<log or linear> [<channel offset> [<channel width>]]]]]]

editmod: add, replace or delete a component in a model Syntax: editmod [modelName:]<model expression>

eqwidth: calculate equivalent width Syntax: eqwidth [[RANGE <frac range>] <model component number>]... [err <number> <level> | noerr]

error: find confidence region Syntax: error [[stopat <ntrial> <tol>] [maximum <redchi>] [<delta fit stat>] [<model param range>...]]

exit: end the session (also Ctrl-D) Syntax: exit

fakeit: create simulated observations from model Syntax: fakeit <none> | <spectrum number> [ background files] [correction files]

fit: minimize statistic using current fitting algorithm Syntax: fit [#trials] [critical delta] <method-specific settings>

flux: calculate the model flux Syntax: flux lowEnergy highEnergy [err #trials confidence level | noerr]

freeze: fix a fit parameter Syntax: freeze <modelName>:{m1-n1,m2-n2,...}, for integer parameter ranges and for optional model names

ftest: perform f-test Syntax: ftest chi2 dof2 chi1 dof1 (where chi2 < chi1)

gain: change response gain for a dataset Syntax: gain <fit|nofit> or: gain <spectrum #> <slope> <intercept>

genetic: set genetic algorithm parameters. Syntax: Not Implemented

goodness: Perform a Monte Carlo calculation of the goodness-of-fit Syntax: goodness [# realizations] <sim|nosim>

help: Invoke XSPEC help system Syntax: help [command] [subcommand]

identify: List possible lines in the specified energy range Syntax: identify <energy> <delta_energy> <redshift> <line_list>

ignore: ignore PHA channels Syntax: ignore <bad> ignore s1-<s2|*|**>:n1-n2 ..., integer spectrum number and channel range ignore s1-<s2|*|**>:r1-r2 ..., integer spectrum number and real energy range (multiple ranges are allowed)

improve: (Minuit only) Try to find better minimum Syntax: Not Implemented

initpackage: Prepare a package containing locally written models for use with XSPEC Syntax: initpackage <packageName> <model init file> [<directory>]

iplot: enter an interactive PLT plot command Syntax: iplot <?|[plot command]| > (iplot with no arguments acts like "iplot data")

lmod: load a package containing one or more analytical models Syntax: localmodel packageName <dir>

localmodel: load a package containing one or more analytical models Syntax: localmodel packageName <dir>

log: open/close output file Syntax: log (<filename>|none)

lumin: calculate the model luminosity Syntax: flux lowEnergy highEnergy [err #trials confidence level | noerr] redshift

margin: (Bayes only) marginalize over uninteresting parameters. Syntax: margin <step spec> [ <step spec> ... ] where <step spec> ::= [log|nolog] <param index> <low> <high> <# steps>

mdefine: define an algebraic model component Syntax: Not Implemented

method: set fitting algorithm Syntax:method [ leven | migrad ] <initial data for method>

model: define a model Syntax: model {<name>:<source>} <model string>

newpar: change model parameters for specified or unnamed model Syntax: newpar {modelName:}<parameter range> value {<delta> <lower> <bot> <top> <higher>}

notice: notice PHA channels Syntax: notice all notice <spectrum number range>:<channel range> ... notice <spectrum number range>:<energy range> ... (multiple ranges are allowed)

plot: plot data/models/fits etc Syntax: primary plot commands: chisq contour counts data delchi dem emodel eemodel efficiency eufspec eeufspec foldmodel icounts insensitivity delchi lcounts margin mcmc model ratio residuals sensitivity sum ufspec secondary options (2-panel data plots - use with data, ldata, counts, lcounts, icounts): chisq delchi ratio residuals

query: change XSPEC querying (ask questions or use supplied answer) Syntax: query ( on | yes | no )

quit: end the session (also Ctrl-D) Syntax: quit

recornrm: adjust correction norms Syntax: Not Implemented

renorm: adjust the model norms Syntax: renorm [ |?|none|prefit|auto ]

response: reset response files Syntax: response none response [source number:spectrum number] <filename> (many options: see help for full syntax)

save: save current state to a file Syntax: save <model|files|all> [filename]

script: open/close session script Syntax: script [filename | none ]

setplot: modify plot / change plot device etc Syntax: setplot add|channel|command|delete|device|energy|group|id|list|noadd|noid|rebin|wave|xlog|ylog

show: display information about current session state Syntax: show

statistic: set statistic to optimize Syntax:statistic [ chi | cstat | lstat ]

steppar: Perform fits while stepping the value of parameters through given range(s) Syntax: steppar <step spec> [ <step spec> ... ] where <step spec> ::= [log|nolog] [current|best] <param index> <low> <high> <# steps>

systematic: set systematic error proportional to model Syntax: systematic <real value>

tclout: write values to tcl variable $xspec_tclout Syntax: tclout {many options}

thaw: allow a previously fixed fit parameter to vary Syntax: thaw {m1-n1,m2-n2,...}, for integer parameter ranges

thleqw: fluorescent line equivalent width Syntax: Not Implemented

time: display elapsed time since last call and beginning of program run

Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 09/22/2009