Creating a Shortcut to MRvcmt (Windows)

To create a shortcut to MRvcmt on a Windows machine:

  1. Start up Windows Explorer.
  1. Navigate to your MRvcmt directory and locate vcmt.rb.
  1. Right click on vcmt.rb.
  1. Select Create Shortcut.
  1. Right click on the shortcut you have created and drag it to the desktop.
  1. Select Move Here.
  1. Right click on the shortcut and choose Properties.
  1. Select the Shortcut tab and modify the Target by prepending "ruby" to the path to vcmt.rb. For example:

    ruby C:\glast\tools\MRvcmt\v0r20\vcmt.rb

  1. Click OK.
  1. Verify that the shortcut works by double-clicking on it.

MRvcmt should start up.


Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 10/03/2005