ACD veto scan trending

The calibGenAcd/runVetoCalib.exe script extracts veto set points. This is done by comparing the PHA values for all events (black curve) to the PHA values for only those events with veto signals (blue curve) and finding the 50% point (red line).

A veto scan consists of taking data at several veto set points and then fitting the 50% points against the set points. We extract two parameters from a veto scan. The test points here are the "veto" tests list in the full list of muon run blocks


Plot of values


Plot of diff W.R.T. reference

Slope of setting (in veto_dac) / set point (in PHA).
Range: Most channels -0.35 - -0.25.
Offset of veto_dac.
Range: Most channels 65-70.

Eric Charles
Last modified: Thu Oct 12 18:35:51 PDT 2006