ACD rate trending from Muon runs

We runs scripts to extract rates on a per channel basis.
We do this both for the ACD information from the AEM and from the GEM
All rates here are given as a fraction of all events.
The test points here are the "muon" tests list in the full list of muon run blocks


Plot of values


Plot of diff W.R.T. reference

PMT Hit rate:
Fraction of events with a hit. By PMT.
Range: 2% - 12% (for horizontal muons)
PMT Veto rate:
Fraction of events with a veto. By PMT.
Range: 0.5% - 3.5% (for horizontal muons)
Track rate:
Fraction of events with a track
extrapolated into tile or ribbon
Range: 0.0% - 3.0% (for horizontal muons)
GEM Veto rate:
Fraction of events with a veto in GEM. By tile.
Range: 0.5% - 6.0% (for horizontal muons)
GEM ROI rate:
Fraction of events with a ROI in GEM. By ROI.
Range: 10% - 20.0% (for horizontal muons)
GEM CNO rate:
Fraction of events with a CNO in GEM. By GARC.
Range: 0% - 3.0% (for horizontal muons)

Eric Charles
Last modified: Fri Oct 13 15:26:54 PDT 2006