ACD Trending

Test phases

The "test phases" in the trending plots refer to the numbers in the chart in the link below.

Full list of ACD test phases(charge injection runs).

Also, we found in useful to divide the muon runs up into various blocks.

Full list of muon run blocks(muon runs).


All these pages have two types of plots.

Plot of values


Plot of diff W.R.T. reference

MIP peak value
Range 0-1200

Trending from charge injection tests

These include almost all of the CPTs and LPTs taken at GSFC, SLAC, NRL and SA.

AcdLeHeBiasCal script. Run to determine the setting of the bias_dac registers.

AcdHoldDelay script. Run to determine the correct value for the hold_delay (PHA shape & hold time) setting.

AcdHitmapDelay script. Run to determine the correct value for the hitmap_delay (veto shape & hold time) setting.

AcdPedestal script. Run to determine the PHA pedestal values. CPT only, LPT only

AcdTciRegRange script. Run to determine the gain and linearity of the PHA circuit to small amounts (<10 mips) of input charge. CPT only, LPT only

AcdTciHighRange script. Run to determine the gain and linearity of the PHA circuit to large amounts (10-1000 mips) of input charge.

AcdGafeNoise script. Run to determine the pedestal and noise in the veto circuit. CPT only, LPT only

AcdVetoCal script. Run to determine the gain and linearity of the VETO circuit to small amounts (<10 mips) of input charge

Trending from veto scan muon data

Veto scan trending analysis. Run to determine mapping from veto settings to set point in PHA.

Trending from normal muon data

Rate trending analysis. Run to determine the pha and veto rates by channel.Horizontal only,Vertical only.

Muon peaks analysis. Run to determine the MIP peak positions

Veto set point analysis. Run to determine the VETO set point positions

Track matching and threshold setting analyses. Run to determine the fraction of track with matched ACD hits, as well as the background rates. Horizontal only,Vertical only.

Eric Charles
Last modified: Thu Oct 19 11:22:16 PDT 2006