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    User name Zms

    Log entry time 19:26:23 on October10,2004

    Entry number 30

    This entry is a followup to: 28

    keyword=HV channel trip

    High Voltage trips on a channel when the current drawn exceeds the Current setpoint or Imax. To clear this condition click on the "Clear" button in the "Chassis" column on the HV Front panel. I think that you need to turn the HV off for that channel in order to succeed clearing the trip. When the trip condition is cleared, you should be able to turn the HV back on. If the trip reoccurrs, it may be necessary to raise the Imax value. Also, it may be useful to know why the PMT is drawing so much current that the PS channel trips.
    I see that C-1 is in a trip state, as probably is CsI-SLAC. CsI-desy was run down to 0, it seems, with the HV still in an on state.

    For the curious at heart, you can turn the context help on by clicking the "?" button on the upper right of the vi front panel. With that done, positioning the mouse cursor over an object on the front panel will pop up a text window which offers a description of the object. Hence, if you do that and place the cursor over the "Clear" button, you should learn what the button does. At least I hope that I entered the correct description for that button. This is described in my note to be found as
    /afs/slac/g/e166/docs/e166-doc.doc. A pdf file of the same name is also there. Keep it mind, that my latest changes to the e166 daq are not reflected in this version. I should update it soon.