Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 18:04:11 +0200 (MEST) From: Peter Schuler Subject: eddy simulation: first results .... we have first and preliminary results from the eddy current simulation. The attached figure eddy-sim-I(t).pdf (25 KB) shows the expected current transient I(t) for the positron magnet, when the applied voltage is switched from positive to negative. The different curves (except for the yellow curve) correspond to different voltage ramps between 8 and 50 ms, as indicated at the bottom. As one can read from the curves, the current reverses its sign about 0.25 sec after switching the sign of the input voltage. At about 0.5 sec appears a hump in the otherwise nearly exponential curve. So this is eddy effect we were curious and nervous about. Fortunately it appears to be a relatively modest perturbation. At 1 sec, the current has reached -47A or 75% of its asymptotic value (here set to -62.5A). At 2 sec, the current has reached -60.2A or 96% of its asymptotic value. The yellow curve was supposed to represent the expected exponential behavior in the absense of eddy effects, based solely on the L/R time constant. In the meantime, however, we learned that the inductance given to us earlier by Efremov appears to be in error. The new value is larger and would indicate an L/R time constant of about 0.9 sec. This would bring the yellow curve closer to the other curves. Of course, we will investigate this further. Peter