Catalog of raw data on silo tapes

A small number of runs have their raw data copied to silo tapes. The 4th column is the number of records for that file. Each record is up to 32768 bytes (aka 32KB). You should use this to estimate the maximum disk space required when staging data from silo tape to disk. For details, see the documentation on staging.

Please report problems to

Charlie Young

 Tape#   File#      Run#   #Records    Comments

qa0000      1       2501      9258
qa0000      2       2958      6248
qa0000      3       3148      3678     Actually DST1 and not raw data
qa0001      1       1334     18738
qa0002      1       1118     24259
qa0003      1       1462     26126
qa0004      1       1022     16401
qa0004      2       1014      7059
qa0005      1       1008     25261
qa0006      1       3136      3812     RPC
qa0006      2       3137      8098     RPC
qa0006      3       3168      8967     RPC
qa0007      1       3212     28051
qa0008      1       2122     10020
qa0008      2       2123      7762
qa0008      3       2124      5792
qa0008      4       2125      4202
qa0009      1       1432     22835

qa0390                                 Moller-- see Greg Mitchell

qa0436					momentum scan runs-- see Jeff Fellbaum