E-143 Offline Analysis

Unix Documents

        Name           Author               Description

 1. on/off-line        M. Daoudi     Automatic  linking and running  
                       12-Dec-93     of E-143 offline analysis jobs.   
                                     Use of private  constants made 

 2. DST production     M. Daoudi     Automatic  production  of  DST  
                       10-Jan-94     tapes  using 8mm tape stacker.

 3. copy tape          M. Daoudi     Fast and automatic copying and 
                       31-Jan-94     compression of tapes  with the
                                     8mm stacker.

 4. stacker to silo    M. Daoudi     Automatic copy of 8mm tapes to 
                       02-Feb-94     IBM silo using tape stacker.

 5. stacker analysis   M. Daoudi     Automatic offline analysis 
                       22-Apr-94     using tape stacker.

 6. staging            C.Young       Using the staging system.

 7. silo catalog       C.Young       List of DST tapes copied to silo.

 8. silo analysis      M. Daoudi     Automatic offline analysis
                       30-Aug-94     using silo.

 9. other silo tapes   C.Young       List of other data copied to 
                       10/25/94      silo, mostly raw data.

10. silo DST           M. Daoudi     Automatic DST production 
    production         15-Jan-95     from 8mm stacker to Silo

11. batch analysis     M. Daoudi     Offline analysis using the batch
                       16-Jan-95     queue system

12. DST2 catalog       C.Young       DST2 tapes in silo. Being copied! Not ready!