b-jet Trigger Optimization for New Particle Searches Contact: Ariel Schwartzman The SLAC group is developing new particle search analyses in events containing large missing transverse energy (ETmiss) and multiple b-jets. The requirement of b-jets in events with large ETmiss and multi-jets is well motivated both theoretically and experimentally and could be one of the keys to the early discovery of Super-symmetry at the LHC. One of the challenges to b-jet+ETmiss searches is the selection of events at the trigger level. Our group has developed one of the high level trigger b-tagging algorithms in ATLAS, and is currently working on the proposal of trigger signatures optimized for these new physics searches. The proposed project consists of the study of b-jet and combined b-jet+ETmiss trigger signatures for super-symmetric new particle searches decaying into multiple b-jets and the Lithest Super-symmetric Particle (LSP).