Partial event building

Project Describtion

Partial event building means that only the information from a specific sub-system (detector) is used for a given event, rather than the full detector information. This is an essential feature during the ATLAS commissioning, when the performance of individual sub-detectors needs to be understood. The advantage is the smaller event size of partially built events, compared to fully built events. It also means that for a given bandwidth that is available for writing events to disk, which is about 200Hz in ATLAS, a smaller event size results in more events that can be written to disk. We will be able to collect more events for a given sub-detector system and also collect data from different sub-systems in parallel. This is a key benefit for the commissioning tasks of the ATLAS detector. Partial event building is a feature that has only been recently added as a part of the ATLAS data flow system. The integration of partial event building with the different sub-detectors is about to start. Issues that need to be addressed are the configuration of the partial event building, the implementation of the HLT algorithms according to the needs of the detector groups.

Project Tasks

The partial event building is continuously being tested during commissioning runs. Participation in the various tests is foreseen, from which usually new developments emerge. In the immediate future new monitoring tools are going to be implemented, which will be tested during the ATLAS commissioning runs. Participation in this project will give a good insight of the ATLAS data acquisition (DAQ) system and how the various applications in such a complex system communicate with each other.

Ignacio Aracena