ATLAS Physics Analysis Retreat (Mar/07 SLAC)

Date: Mar/5-8/2007 (Mon-Thur)
Location:  SLAC (see agenda for meeting room details) 

Workshop Scope: 
The purpose of this informal workshop is to bring people around the west coast with common physics analysis interests to actively work together for a few days intensively. The working topics will be dictated by participant's interests and the retreat is to facilitate exchange of information and ideas and encourage collaboration. 

Visitors Info:
The ATLAS@SLAC web page has a link to General info for SLAC ATLAS visitors. For those wish to stay at the SLAC guest house, you should try to reserve a room asap if not done so already. For coming into SLAC main gate, you just need a picture ID (e.g. driver's license). For your designation within SLAC, you can either say the guest house (if you stay there), or the ATLAS physics workshop with Su Dong as the contact person (see contact info details below).    

Hopefully, for everyone participating they have already obtained SLAC account sometime ago. The general computing info at SLAC for ATLAS can be found at the Western Tier2 web page.  The SLAC UNIX users link as a starting point for various SLAC local computing access issues (not limited to UNIX). The SLAC visitor wireless network with DHCP are described at the SLAC wireless network page. The web page on ATLAS software environment setup at SLAC should help you on the various SLAC specific environment issues.  Another web page on Disk storage and datasets at SLAC should help you find the locally available datasets at SLAC and where to put samples if you want to bring some in through dq2 or direct copying. If the work you expect to do at the retreat involve ATHENA, it would be very much advisable to try running some jobs at SLAC before coming to the workshop to make sure the environment setup etc. really work for you. You can always use the ATLAS workbook examples to try this, and you could consult the specific instructions on running the ATLAS workbook at SLAC.   

The retreat program will be posted at the time table of  workshop agenda, which contains only a first draft of the skeleton of the program and will be updated for more details. The program has been built up entirely based on the desires of the participants as to what they would like to work on. The initial survey through the contact persons of each group has identified 3 main areas of interests: Jet/MET, b-tagging, Tau-ID with the subgroup contacts listed in the table below. There could be still additional subgroups if there are enough number of people interested can get together organize themselves. There won't be formal tutorials, while each subgroup will provide example jobs and project lists to get new people ramped up. Anyone with interests to assemble additional subgroups, please contact Su Dong. The materials for each subgroup will become available shortly.           

Phone Conf:

Dial  1-510-665-5437   passcode #2010
The reserved phone conf slots: 
     Monday Mar/5  9:00AM-12:00  noon
     Monday Mar/5  2:00PM-5:00PM
Additional phone conf slots will be reserved when the need arise.


Jet/MET Ariel Schwartzman
Peter Loch
Jason Nielsen
b tagging Gordon Watts
Ariel Schwartzman
Su Dong
Tau ID Eric Torrence
David Strom
Sarah Demers
General Su Dong Office: 650-926-2284  (Bldg 40 R225)
cell: 650-255-4192


Last Update:  Mar/2/2007
Su Dong