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CKM03 Proceedings

WG3: CKM fits & New physics

Contributions are listed according to the speaker at the workshop, but the written versions may have additional authors.

Speaker Title  
Conveners Summary of working group III for the Durham CKM03 proceedings writeup
G Branco CP violation and new physics hep-ph/0307277
A Buras The impact of universal extra dimensions on FCNC processes hep-ph/0307202
R Fleischer Flavour symmetries and clean strategies to extract gamma hep-ph/0306270
G Isidori K -> pi nu nubar decays and CKM fits hep-ph/0307014
S Khalil Supersymmetric contributions to the CP asymmetry of the B -> phi KS and B -> eta' KS hep-ph/0307024
V Lubicz Unitarity triangle analysis in the Standard Model and sensitivity to new physics hep-ph/0307195
A Masiero and L Silvestrini Worries and hopes for SUSY in CKM physics: the b -> s example hep-ph/0308013
K Schubert The maximum likelihood fit program ckmLfit writeup

Last updated: 24 Nov 2003