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XX International Linac Conference

TUE11 (Poster)

Presenter: Anatoli Soumbaev (SOUMBAEV, FrankLab, JINR)
Status: Complete
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Eprint: physics/0008079

LINAC LUE200: First Testing Results

S.N. DOLYA, W.I. FURMAN, V.V. KOBETS, E.M LAZIEV, Yu.A. METELKIN, V.A. SHVETS, A.P. SOUMBAEV, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, The VEPP-5 TEAM, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP), Novosibirsk, Russia

'LUE200' - 200 MeV electron linac is being created at JINR as a driver of the pulsed neutron source 'IREN' [1]. The special full scale facilities for testing of the main systems LUE-200 (FSTF) are using at JINR, BINP, MEPhI and YerPhI [2]. The verification of the linac accelerating system is providing at the VEPP-5 Preinjector constructed at BINP [3]. The accelerating system of LUE200 includes two S-band (2856 MHz) accelerating sections of 3 m long. The sections are connected with modulator based one 5045 klystron (SLAC production). There are SLED-systems for the multiplying of the pulse RF power. The first results of the accelerating system test at the VEPP-5 Preinjector are presented. The electron beam energy up to 92 MeV and consequently average rate of acceleration of the electron beam more than 30 MeV/m were achieved after acceleration at one section.
[1] A. Kaminsky et al., 'LUE200 - Driver Linac For Intense Resonant Neutron Spectrometer (IREN)', Proceedings of LINAC96 Conference, Geneva, August 26-30, 1996, pp. 508-510. CERN (1996).
[2] S. Dolya et al., 'Linac LUE - 200 Test Facilities'. Proceedings of the XIX International Linac Conference LINAC98, August 23-28, 1998, pp. 52-54. ANL, Argonne, Illinois, USA (1998).
[3] A.V. Alexandrov et al., 'Electron-positron Preinjector of VEPP-5 Complex'. Proceedings of LINAC96 Conference, Geneva, August 26-30, 1996, pp. 821-823. CERN (1996).

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