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XX International Linac Conference

TUD11 (Poster)

Presenter: Boris Murin (Moscow Radiotechnical Institute)
Status: Complete
FullText: pdf

High Power Proton Linacs for Different Applications

G.I. Batskikh, V.I. Belugin, B.I. Bondarev, A.P. Durkin, Yu.D. Ivanov, A.P. Fedotov, B.P. Murin, I.V. Shumakov, N.I. Uksusov, R.G. Vassilkov (Moscow Radiotechnical Institute of RAS)

High power proton linacs for different applications are considered. CW proton linac with output energy 1 GeV and beam current 10-30 mA is proposed for power production during weapon plutonium conversion inside thorium circle. The accelerator for APT (the Accelerator Production of Tritium) Project is a 100-mA CW proton linac with output energy of 1500-2000 MeV. Depending on the tritium production capacity a 250-300 mA CW proton linac with output energy of 1000-1500 MeV also may be used. The last one can be used also for Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technology (ADTT) as a possible means of destruction of nuclear waste and of generating nuclear power. Conceptual design of CW superconducting proton linac - driver for ADT demonstration facility for the beam power up to 100 MW is considered. Linac layout, main systems and typical cryomodule are described.

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