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XX International Linac Conference

TUB13 (Poster)

Presenter: S. Sampayan (LLNL)
Status: Complete
FullText: pdf

Beam-Target Interaction Experiments For Bremsstrahlung Converters Applications*

S.Sampayan, G. Caporaso, Y-J Chen, S. Falabella, , D. Ho, T. Houck, E. Lauer, J. McCarrick, R. Richardson, D. Sanders, and J. Weir (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550 USA)

As part of the Dual Axis Radiography Hydrotest Facility II (DARHT II), we have been performing an investigation of the possible adverse effects of (1) backstreaming ion emission from the Bremsstrahlung converter target and (2) the interaction of the resultant plasma with the electron beam during subsequent pulses. These effects would primarily manifest themselves in the static focusing system as a rapidly varying x-ray spot. To study these effects, we are conducting beam-target interaction experiments on the ETA-II accelerator (a 6.0 MeV, 2.5 kA, 70 ns FWHM pulsed induction LINAC). From these experiments and the multiple diagnostics we have implemented, we are able to determine spot dynamics and characterize the resultant plasma for various configurations. Thus far, our experiments show that the first effect is not strongly present when the beam initially interacts with the target. Electron beam pulses delivered to the target after formation of a plasma are strongly affected, however. We have also performed initial experiments to determine the effect of the beam propagating through the plasma. This data shows that the head of the beam is relatively robust, but that backstreaming ions from the plasma can still manifest itself as a dynamic focus toward the tail of the beam. We report on the details of our experiments and work to suppress these effects.
*This work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy by University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-ENG-48.

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