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XX International Linac Conference

THD02 (Poster)

Presenter: P Pisent (INFN-LNL)
Status: Complete
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A.Pisent, M. Comunian, A. Palmieri (INFN-LNL), G. Lamanna (INFN-BA), D. Barni (INFN-MI)

In this paper we report about a 5 MeV 30 mA RFQ, with 100% duty cycle, first step of an ADS, studied within the Italian project named TRASCO. The operating frequency is 352 MHz, as in similar accelerators, but the relatively lower current allows different design choices, like the use of a single klystron. The main outcome of eigenmode and thermal simulations will be reported. Other construction details, like the use of power coupling loops, will be described. The construction of a technological model, corresponding to the first third of the structure, will be completed next year.

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