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XX International Linac Conference

MOD15 (Poster)

Presenter: Ludwig Dahl (GSI)
Status: Complete
FullText: pdf
Eprint: physics/0008086

The Low Energy Beam Transport System of the New GSI High Current Injector

L. Dahl, P. Spaedtke (GSI Darmstadt, Germany)

The UNILAC was improved for high current performance by replacing the Wideroe prestripper accelerator by an RFQ and an IH-type DTL. In addition, one of two ion source terminals was equipped with high current sources of MUCIS- and MEVVA-type. Therefore, a redesign of the LEBT from the ion source to RFQ entrance was necessary. The new LEBT was installed at the beginning of 1999. The commissioning was carried mainly with a high intense argon beam. The achieved 17 emA Ar1+ are 6 emA above the RFQ design intensity. The expected performance of the new LEBT was achieved: full transmission for high current beams, preservation of brilliance along the beam line, isotope separation for all elements, transverse phase space matching to the RFQ linac, and macropulse shaping. In particular, the high degree of space charge compensation was confirmed.

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