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XX International Linac Conference

MOC09 (Poster)

Presenter: Peter Forck (GSI)
Status: Complete
FullText: ps.gz or pdf
Eprint: physics/0008103

Measurement of the Six-Dimensional Phase Space at the New GSI High-Current LINAC

P. Forck, F. Heymach, T. Hoffmann, A. Peters, P. Strehl, (GSI)

For the characterization of the ion beam delivered by the new High Current LINAC at GSI (beam pulse power up to 1 MW), sophisticated, mainly non-intersepting diagnostic devices are developed. Beside the general set-up of a versatile test bench, we discuss in particular bunch shape and emittance measuring devices. To investigate the intensity dependence of micro-bunches we use a direct time-of-flight technique with a diamond particle detector. Rutherford scattering in a thin gold foil is used for appropriate reduction of the count rate. The achieved resolution is about 30 ps. For the determination of the energy spread a coincidence technique is applied, using secondary electrons emitted by the ion passing through a aluminum foil 80 cm down stream of the diamond detector. The transverse emittance is measured within one macro pulse with a pepper-pot system. It is equipped with a high performance CCD camera and a HeNe laser for online calibration. Results from the commissioning of the new LINAC are presented and theadvantages, as well as the limitations of the devices are discussed.

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