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XX International Linac Conference

FR102 (Invited)

Presenter: Roger Poirier (TRIUMF)
Status: Complete
FullText: pdf
Eprint: physics/0008210

CW Performance of the TRIUMF 8 Meter Long RFQ for Exotic Ions

R.L. Poirier, R. Baartman, P. Bricault, K. Fong, S. Koscielniak, R. Laxdal, A.K. Mitra, L. Root, G. Stanford, D. Pearce (The Isak Group at TRIUMF)

The ISAC 35 MHz RFQ is designed to accelerate ions of A/q =< 30 from 2keV/u to 150keV/u in cw mode. The RFQ structure is 8 meter long and the vane-shaped rods are supported by 19 rings spaced 40 cm apart. An unusual feature of the design is the constant synchronous phase of -25 deg. The buncher and shaper sections are eliminated in favor of an external multi-harmonic buncher. All 19 rings are installed with quadrature positioning of the four rod electrodes aligned to +/- 0.08 microns. Relative field variation and quadruple asymmetry along the 8 meters of the RFQ was measured to be within +/- 1%. Early operation at peak inter-electrode voltage (75kV) was restricted by the rapid growth of dark currents due to field emission: the nominal operating power of 75 kW increased to 100 kW in a few hours. A program of high power pulsing, followed by cw operation have all but eliminated the problem leading to a successful 150 hour test at full power. Successful beam test results show a strong confirmation of the beam dynamics and rf design as well as the rf engineering. The results of rf and beam tests will be reported.

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