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Gap Measurement help file

SLAC Magnetic Measurements
Date: 10-20-1994
Time: 16:51:26
Magnet Name: 001
Test Operator: mkl
Test Stand: gap measurement stand
Apparatus: gap sensors
Run Number: 2
Average Gap Values and Standard Deviations:
Average Outer Gap Width, Gout =  2757.252  +-  2.606176  mils
Average Inner Gap Width, Gin =  2757.096  +-  1.686431  mils
Average Middle Gap Width, Gm =  2789.175  +-  2.001535  mils
Average Gradient, 1/G dG/dx =  2.901501E-04  +-  3.384161E-03  1/m
Average Height Values and Standard Deviations:
(Heights are relative to the ideal magnet elevation.)
Average Outer Midplane Height, Hout = -2.008042  +-  8.497122  mils
Average Inner Midplane Height, Hin = -1.877656  +-  7.054115  mils
Average Roll Angle and Standard Deviation:
Average Roll Angle, Roll =  1.733855E-02  +-  .2557651  mrad
Alignment Target Heights (relative to ideal):
Target Heights At Foot 1, HT1W =  5.528728 , HT1A =  11.95913  mils
Target Heights At Foot 2, HT2W =  3.126997 , HT2A =  3.522726  mils
Fit to Roll vs z:
R(z) =  8.041773E-04  * z + -6.679849E-02
Shims to make the roll and twist zero:
Foot 1, shimr1 =  .5800431  mils
Foot 2, shimr2 = -1.285648  mils
Fit to Hout vs z:
Hin(z) =  1.303099E-02  * z + -3.371409
Shims to make the height and pitch zero:
Foot 1, shimh1 =  2.758953  mils
Foot 2, shimh2 =  1.247357  mils
Shim Values For Each Support Point:
                  Upstream End
             Inside         Outside
Foot 1         3             3    mils

Foot 2         0             1    mils
                  Downstream End