09/16/99 Update

PEP-II Update September 16, 1999

This is a brief note to say that on Monday September 13, 1999, a luminosity of 1.0x10**33/cm**2/s was reached in PEP-II using the PEP-II luminosity monitor. Our present peak of 1.05x10**33/cm**2/s was reached with 829 bunches, 597 mA in the HER and 989 mA in the LER. This peak was achieved on September 14 during seven consecutive fills above 10**33. Furthermore, BaBar has been using their data to calibrate the PEP-II monitor. Their preliminary analysis done in multiple ways suggests that the PEP-II luminosity monitor reads 17% low. The peak luminosity may actually be 1.2x10**33.

John Seeman for the PEP-II Staff 9/16/99

Suggestions to: John Seeman

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